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Ecological company: A series of activities to let the Party's 20 spirit into the mind

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2022-11-28 10:50 Number of readings:

         In order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20, and accurately understand its spiritual essence, recently, the Party branch of the ecological company organized a series of activities to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20。


Special lecture hall guide

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       10月27日,The Party branch of the ecological company is responsible for teaching thematic party lessons to all party members,We are required to combine the company's operating conditions and industry trends,Learn deeply and practice understanding,We will fully grasp the essence of the Party's 20 National Congress,We will study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress as the primary political task at present and in the coming period。


Party members speak from the heart

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       In order to promote party members and cadres to further learn and understand the Party's twenty great spirit,11月11日,The Party branch of the ecological company carried out the "study and implementation of the twenty,Eco company party members say "activities,Party members base themselves on their positions,From different angles around the party's 20th National Congress of the new views, new conclusions, new ideas to interact and exchange,In order to promote the Party's 20 spirit in the company landing sincere advice, gathering strength。


Knowledge contest raises the stakes

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       On November 17, the "Study twenty Ten, a total of new Hua chapter" knowledge competition kicked off, 15 party members to the party group as a unit to form five representative teams to participate in the game, everyone is fully prepared, tacit cooperation, active answer, fully show the unity and cooperation, high spirit。This competition through the required questions, quick answer and other ways, a comprehensive examination and test of the players on the Party's 20 report learning results, to learn, to learn, to promote learning, for learning to promote the implementation of the Party's 20 spirit to create a strong atmosphere。


Volunteering is a new trend

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      "Hello, please wear a mask!"


      "Hello, please do not gather together, wear masks correctly!"


      On November 23, the Party branch of the ecological company organized party members in key public places such as squares, office buildings, and residential areas to carry out "all people wear masks" to persuade volunteer services, further implement the spirit of the Party's 20 major congresses, and further promote the practice of civilization in the new era。


       Wearing red armbands and holding warm signs, volunteers warmly encouraged passers-by to wear masks, and promptly distributed masks to pedestrians without masks. At the same time, they did a good job of scientific epidemic prevention and control publicity, and guided the public to jointly build a strong barrier for mass prevention and control of the epidemic。


The pioneer leads and shows responsibility

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       In the face of tight time and heavy tasks, the first-line party members of the project volunteered to give full play to the exemplary vanguard role, from safety inspection, to equipment maintenance, vehicle maintenance, and environmental elimination, where the task is dangerous, where they are the figure of the front line, effectively ensuring the safety of the project。


       Next, the Party branch of the ecological company will continue to further promote the study, publicity and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit, and implement the Party's 20 spirit with practical results。(Xue Yaqi)